Crowds really aren't my thing, though I guess it wasn't that bad most of the time. This is my first time ever going to such a huge convention intentionally, not counting the occasions on which I was dragged around by parents, and I was quite surprised by how many graphic artists, design companies, etc. I'd never heard of in my life. I wasn't able to take too close a look at their art, though, because I had other motivations; namely, obtaining as much Bleach paraphenalia as was physically and mentally possible for a penny-pinching Asian with a guilt complex about spending.
Fortunately, Friday held very few extremely interesting programs and panels, so I was able to wander about the back alleys of the Con wondering just how many goddamn age-yellowed Marvel comics in little plastic bags one could buy. Everything was, of course, overpriced - I obtained a tiny Maya (Phoenix Wright) plastic figurine for $9. Was hoping for Edgeworth, but at least the toy had excellent details - unlike the toys many Western companies make, which at small scales start dripping or blurring paint. Also purchased a Kuchiki Byakuya toy and a nifty Bleach wristband, which at least helped keep one wrist warm in the frigidly air-conditioned convention center. I was also tempted by some 13 Court Guard armbands , but on second thought decided I would rather not be relegated to the rank of vice-captain by wearing one. Egotism for the win.
Later, I would be incensed that I did not go on Saturday instead, the first time evar Tite Kubo would be in the US for convention events and autograph signings. Tite Kubo! I swear to god my timing sucks. Next year I'm getting a four-day pass.
I can't objectively judge how well this Con went, but I can say that it was a rather enlightening experience to see just how many other insane human beings would want to dress up a.) as Shinigami and other fictional characters or b.) in a speedo as I-don't-even-want-to-know-